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Applicant V4K14

List high school activities (student government, sports, publications, school-sponsored community programs, student-faculty committees, arts, music, etc.) List in descending order of significance.

1. Lowell Cross Country
2. Lowell Track
3. National Honors Society inductee
4. LHS Lettermen's club
5. LHS Student Council
6. LHS Peer Mentor Program
7. LHS newspaper
8. LHS yearbook
9. Part-time bussing job at McVey's Restaurant and Bar

List public service and community activities (homeless services, environmental protection/conservation, advocacy activities, work with a religious organization, etc.).  List in descending order of significance.

1. Holy Name Catholic Church's Baby Bottle event
2. Holy Name Catholic Church's Angel Tree distribution
3. Tri-Kappa's Christmas Breakfast
4. Tri-Kappa's Easter Breakfast
5. Tri-Kappa's Easter Egg Hunt
6. Newspaper writer for LHS (writing articles about charity and giving within the town of Lowell)

List awards, scholarships, publications or special recognitions you have received.

1. Superior Honor Roll (9th grade-present)
2. National Honor's Society inductee
3. 2022 Cross Country MVP
4. 2022 Cross Country 2nd-team all conference
5. 2022 Cross Country Semi-state qualifier
6. 2021 Cross Country regional qualifier
7. 2021 Track and Field most improved

Describe one specific example of your leadership. (The writer of your letter of recommendation re: Leadership  Abilities and Potential must confirm this experience). 

I try to be the best leader I can be for everyone on my track and cross country teams. It is very important to be congruent with yourself, meaning being the same person not only at practice or school but everywhere else. I try to be a leader that includes everyone's opinion and makes everyone feel comfortable/accepted in our team's environment. At the end of the day, no success will happen without a good bond with teammates. I also hold everybody accountable; I constantly remind teammates to be giving 100% effort and I always make sure I am doing the same. Team success means way more to me than my individual success, so holding my teammates accountable, holding myself accountable, and being someone all my teammates can always talk to and count on are things that I constantly remind myself to do.

Describe a recent particularly satisfying public service activity. (The writer of your letter of recommendation re: Public Service must confirm this).

Recently, I volunteered at Lowell Middle School to help the Tri-Kappa organization of Lowell host the Easter Bunny breakfast and extravaganza for Lowell families. This event is hosted annually around Easter time to bring the community together to visit the Easter bunny as well as participate in some fun games, cake walks, and raffles. I was able to help them run a few games and clean up afterwards. This event, as well as the Santa breakfast I helped Tri-Kappa host during the Christmas season, was so fun and satisfying to help with because it brings almost every young kid of Lowell to one place. It is so awesome to see the kids so happy to participate in your game or to see the Easter bunny. I remember coming to this event myself as a young child and always had a lot of fun, so being able to come back to it and give back to the kid's that got the same joy is a feeling unmatched.

Describe the education program you intend to pursue if you receive the scholarship.

As it is my junior year, I have been on an extreme college hunt. I am unsure where I will be going to college or what I am majoring in, but I do know that I am interested in forensic science, veterinary studies, and sports medicine. No matter what I choose, I know that I will be making a difference in people's lives through the medical field and that is something I have always wanted to do from a young age. I have also been finding the opportunities to run in college, so if I can do that wherever I go to college I would be thrilled because I have wanted to run in college since I was ten years old.

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