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Exploring Careers in Healthcare
Youth Healthcare Career Expo
Applicant V4K13
List high school activities (student government, sports, publications, school-sponsored community programs, student-faculty committees, arts, music, etc.) List in descending order of significance.
1. National Honor Society 11, 12,
2. Student Government 10, 11, 12
(Student Government Secretary of Junior Class 11 & Vice President of Academic Affairs for Student Body 12)
3. PHS Swim Athlete 10, 11, 12,
4. Advanced Show Choir 9, 10, 11, 12,
5. Advanced Orchestra - Violist 9, 10, 11, 12
6. Thespian Society - Musicals & Plays 9, 10, 11, 12
7. Teacher's Aide 12
8. Environmental Club 12
9. Prom Committee 11
List public service and community activities (homeless services, environmental protection/conservation, advocacy activities, work with a religious organization, etc.). List in descending order of significance.
1. COME ALIVE FAMILY CHURCH: 2015 - Present.
- Worship Team Lead Singer: Sing during Sunday Services & Wednesday Youth Services
- Children’s Ministry, Kid’s Alive ages 5-10: Assist teachers during Sunday classes, and
- Baby Bloom ages 2-4: Assist watching kids during services Hospitality Ministry: Load-in and setting up different rooms within service areas assisting with preparing a welcoming environment for Sunday services.
- Outreach Ministry: Volunteer for community events; annual coat drives, serving warm meals, yard sale giveaways, distributing HOPE bags to local communities, prayer outreach, participate in painting and cleaning projects for the community as scheduled by our church leaders. Service hours are weekly during Sunday & Wednesday services plus additional hours during outreach ministries throughout the year: Church Service Hours: 6 hours weekly.
2. MY FAMILY'S HOME SWEET HOME, INC.: 2020 - Present
Volunteer with my family at local charitable events
- Assist in preparing and packing boxed lunches and household items scheduled for deliveries.
- Prepared back packs with supplies for back-to-school give away events for grammar school students, and aided patrons in selecting items.
-Assist during food dinning events by preparing food stations, serving buffet style meals and clean up. Service hours: 8 hours per event, 4 events per year.
3. MERMAID STRAW BEACH CLEANING, Ogden Dune Beaches: 2019 - Present
Participated in several beach clean-up days on the last Saturday of the month during the season. Recruited friends and walked the beach front for miles picking up trash. Service hours: 3.5 hours per event, monthly.
4. GIRLS GIVING FUND, Porter County Community Foundation: 2018 & 2019
Raised and donated funds through bake sales and garage sales, encouraged my friends to join the fun by recruiting into my high school years. Together with a community of girls participating, we donated funds to PCCF and we were able to take part in selecting a Porter County nonprofit group as the recipient through a presentation and voting process. Service hours: 20 hours per event, 3 events per year.
List awards, scholarships, publications or special recognitions you have received.
1. National Honor Society Member Awards
2. Academic Letter Awards
3. Lettered in Theater ~ International Thespian Society
4. Lettered in Swimming with Scholar Athlete Award
5. Lettered in Choir
6. Lettered in Orchestra
7. Krannert School of Management Summer School Scholarship 2021
8. Distinguished Young Women
9. 2022 Best Interviewer Award
10. ISSMA Choir Solo & Ensemble Gold Medal Awards
11. ISSMA Orchestra Solo
12. Treo & Ensembles Gold Medal Awards
Describe one specific example of your leadership. (The writer of your letter of recommendation re: Leadership Abilities and Potential must confirm this experience).
I have been in Choraliers, our schools advance show choir, since my freshman year of high school, and currently the only four year member due to how competitive the class is. I am a two year elected team leader and this year I was appointed dance captain of the Choraliers where I was allowed to choreograph, teach and lead the classroom throughout the year during classroom rehearsals and performances. Last month, our music director was scheduled out for a week and he announced I would be in charge of the classroom, on my own, to continue our choreography for an upcoming competition. I was very humbled and excited to take on the challenge of finishing our routine and cleaning up our moves. I came home and learned all the choreography moves in advance and throughout that week I was able to teach the ensembles. By the end of the week our class routine was completed and cleaned. Although the week was extremely challenging, the hard work paid off when our class received a gold medal during the ISSMA Jazz Contest.
Describe a recent particularly satisfying public service activity. (The writer of your letter of recommendation re: Public Service must confirm this).
Community service is something that I am very passionate about and a calling on my life. Being involved in ministries at church since I was 8 years old has given me the opportunity to serve in many different areas. One of my recent satisfying community service was praying with and feeding an underserved community in Gary, Indiana outside of the Brother’s Keeper shelter. My Pastor cooked meals through a food truck he owned and together with members of our congregation, we fed over 80 individuals and prayed with people who welcomed prayers. Being able to provide others with food, essentials and even having the chance to pray with strangers is something that is a humbling experience and something I loved being a part of.
Describe the education program you intend to pursue if you receive the scholarship.
I will be attending Indiana University Bloomington in the fall to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. After completing my prerequisites my first two semesters, I’ll begin the competitive nursing program. I will continue to work hard, be diligent, and persevere, to keep up with my coursework. Indiana University is a very big university and offers a lot of opportunities for their students from academics to student life. The nursing program at Indiana University is one of the highest ranked universities in Indiana and I am very blessed to have been accepted into IU and for the opportunity to pursue my undergraduate education through their programs.
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