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Applicant V4K06

List high school activities (student government, sports, publications, school-sponsored community programs, student-faculty committees, arts, music, etc.) List in descending order of significance.

1. Varsity basketball
2. Girls tennis
3. Key club
4. French Club

List public service and community activities (homeless services, environmental protection/conservation, advocacy activities, work with a religious organization, etc.).  List in descending order of significance.

1. St. Save Serb Fest
2. St. Sava Fish Fry
3. Hobart Food Pantry

List awards, scholarships, publications or special recognitions you have received.

1. Honor Roll
2. Most improved girl basketball (2021-2022 & 2022-2023
3/ Girls basketball academic all state

Describe one specific example of your leadership. (The writer of your letter of recommendation re: Leadership  Abilities and Potential must confirm this experience). 

One specfic act of my leadership comes from being Senior Captain of my High School girls basketball team. I was able to not only guide people younger than myself I was also able to become closer to my team mates and create life long bonds that I will forever cherish. I believe that this specgic act of leadership has impacted me greatly simply because being in the position where people look up to you instills you with the confidence that the things you are doing whether its leading drills, setting good examples and being a force on and off the court, are impacting these younger more impressionable girls to be better and strive to work hard to one day be in the position I am in.

Describe a recent particularly satisfying public service activity. (The writer of your letter of recommendation re: Public Service must confirm this).

A public service activity that I will forever cherish is the time I spent and am currently spending teaching elementary grade level girls basketball. Imagining myself at that age I would have lover to have a older and much more experiences girl role model give me beginner and more advanced advice to help start my love for the sport. I get the satisfaction from doing this service because I know I am helping so many young girls find their love for sports. Partaking in this public service activity brings me so much joy and I always look forward to seeing the young girls I have been working with the past two years as we share a amazing bond.

Describe the education program you intend to pursue if you receive the scholarship.

I plan on pursuing the Biomedical Health Sciences proram at Purdue University while also on the Pre-PA track. If I receive this scholarship it will not only help me pursue my education proram but it will also relieve the stress and burden of college tuition. Being in the healthcare field is where I imagine myself in the future and without this education I will not be able to make it which is why all of my hardwork has brought me all the way to where I am today.

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